It was with great pride (pun intended!) that the Lexington Park Lions Club nominated Lion Sal Raspa for the 2016-2017 Lions District 22-C Honor Roll.

Lion Sal joined the Lexington Park Lions Club in 1972. Active from the beginning, Lion Sal epitomizes the ideal in Lionism. He is a strong advocate for education and after retirement from the St. Mary’s County school system as teacher and principal, he served 11 years on the St. Mary’s County Board of Education.

Deeply committed to education and our young people, Lion Sal has been the driving force and guiding inspiration in the selection and awarding of the Club’s annual scholarships to two graduating seniors from Great Mills High School. Enlisting the assistance of his wife, Myra, Lion Sal does a preliminary review of the scholarship applications to ensure eligibility. He then leads the scholarship selection committee through the in-depth review process and selection of the awardees. Lion Sal represents the Lexington Park Lions Club at the awards ceremony and then ensures those students receiving awards are further recognized by the Club in subsequent publicity articles.

Lion Sal served as King Lion for the 1976-1977 Lion Year and currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors where his counsel and expertise are frequently called on to provide reference to past and present policies and procedures.

Lion Sal is a Melvin Jones Fellow and a senior member of our Club, a Lion at heart and proud to serve. CONGRATULATIONS on your nomination to the District 22-C Honor Roll.

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