In keeping with Lions Club goals worldwide, our primary focus is providing a variety of services to those with vision impairments, but over the years our efforts have expanded to include serving those with hearing loss and those suffering from childhood diabetes.  In everything we do, we strive to live up to the Lions motto: WE SERVE.

We have pledged unselfish service to the Lexington Park community and to those less fortunate than us. To accomplish this, Club members volunteer time and energy to a variety of fundraising activities from which all proceeds are used to support our community service efforts. No money received from the public goes toward any administrative or social costs of the Club; these costs are borne by Club members themselves.

We appreciate any amount you are able to donate! 

The Lexington Park Lions Club is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal  Revenue Code.

  • Any amount helps, and 100% of all donations received go to our community support programs and initiatives.
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