Congratulations to our 2019 Peace Poster Contest winners!
Winners of the Lions Clubs International 2019 Peace Poster Contest were announced at an artists’ reception, Saturday, November 9. The theme this year is JOURNEY TO PEACE, and the students’ posters reflect their interpretation of this theme.
The winners are:
- Sophie Hanks, 8th Grade, Kings Christian Academy
- Callie Modrzejewski, 8th Grade, Margaret Brent Middle School
- Chase League, 6th Grade, Mother Catherine Academy
Their winning posters from this local competition will be forwarded to the next level of competition where they will compete with students from Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince Georges and St. Mary’s Counties, and the District of Columbia.
THANK YOU to all of our participating artists! All posters submitted, including our winners, are on display at the Lexington Park Library through November 30, 2019.
Winning Entry by Sophie Hanks, 8th Grade, Kings Christian Academy
Winning Entry by Callie Modrzejewski, 8th Grade, Margaret Brent Middle School
Winning Entry by Chase League, 6th Grade, Mother Catherine Academy
Entry by H. Stock
Entry by S. Sachs
Entry by T. Perryman
Entry by C. Lowe
Entry by M. Bowles
St. Mary’s County Lions Clubs, working with our community partners, St. Mary’s County Arts Council, Studio R, and Red Chalk Studios in Virginia Beach, sponsored the contest for all County students ages 11, 12, and 13. Special thanks to our judges.
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