The 2017 Lexington Park Lions Club annual yard sale Saturday, September 23, was a rousing success, bringing in more than $1000 for our scholarship program for Great Mills High School seniors.

Many, many thanks to our community partner Quality Transfer and Storage, whose support was invaluable and contributed significantly to our success. Thanks to all who contributed items for sale, helped pack, unpack, sort, and otherwise work the sale, most particularly those “honorary” members of our Lion family: Bonnie Alvey and Eric and Torrie Vogt. Most especially, we thank those who came and shopped and shopped and shopped. It takes a lot of folks to make a yard sale a success; we simply could not have done it without any of you.  Let’s do it again next year!

Visit us on our website and on Facebook.

Lexington Park Lions Club is a 501(c)3 organization.

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