New Lions Club Member: Marcel Brooks
The Lexington Park Lions Club welcomes Lion Dr. Marcel Brooks as a member of our Pride. Dr. Brooks first accepted the invitation to become a Lion last year, paid his dues, but through a variety of schedule conflicts was never able to complete the...Lions & Church of the Ascension Donate Car Seats to COPS
On Thursday, November 17, Jess and Dana Davis, representing both Church of the Ascension and the Lexington Park Lions, presented the Lexington Park COPS Unit with 15 child safety seats with an additional 20 booster seats on order.
Lions Celebrate & Honor Veterans
Members of the Lexington Park Lions Club and friends honored our country’s veterans by joining in Leonardtown’s annual Veterans Day Parade, the largest in Maryland.
Community Assistance Day Vision Screenings
Lions provided vision screening for both adults and children at the annual Community Assistance Day. 24 individuals were screened, 19 of whom were referred for more extensive testing.
New Lion: Susan Brookbank
The Lexington Park Lions Club welcomes Lion Susan Brookbank as our newest member. Queen Lion and sponsor, Dana Davis (right), did the honors.