Annual Peace Poster Contest
Each year, Lions Clubs International sponsors a worldwide Peace Poster contest asking students to create a picture of their vision of the years theme. The Lions Clubs of St. Mary’s County come together with our community partner, the St. Mary’s County Arts Council, to sponsor the local contest.

Winners of the first round competition for the Lions Clubs International 2021-2022 Peace Poster Contest were announced at an artists’ reception, Saturday, November 20.
- Emma J. • 7th Grade, King’s Christian Academy
- Grace K. • 7th Grade, King’s Christian Academy
- Grace S. • 8th Grade, King’s Christian Academy
- Samantha R. • 6th Grade, St. John’s School
- Grace R. • 7th Grade, Father Andrew White School
- Lillie T. • 8th Grade, Margaret Brent Middle School
- Tyler T. • 6th Grade, Leonardtown Middle School
The student artists were challenged to pictorially interpret this year’s theme “We Are All Connected,” without using any wording, letters, or numbers. Their winning posters will be forwarded to the next level of competition where they will compete with students from Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince Georges and St. Mary’s Counties, as well as the District of Columbia.
We want to thank all of our participant artists and their teachers, parents and guardians who helped make this happen! We were thrilled to have received so many submissions. You all rock!

Announcing Our Local 2021-22 Peace Poster Contest Winners
Winners of the first round competition for the Lions Clubs International 2021-2022 Peace Poster Contest were announced at an artists’ reception, Saturday, November 20. Congratulations to our winners: Emma J. • 7th Grade, King's Christian Academy Grace K. • 7th Grade,...
The 2019 Peace Poster Contest Winners
Congratulations to our 2019 Peace Poster Contest winners! Winners of the Lions Clubs International 2019 Peace Poster Contest were announced at an artists’ reception, Saturday, November 9. The theme this year is JOURNEY TO PEACE, and the students’ posters reflect their...
2016 People’s Choice Peace Poster Contest Winners Announced
Lexington Park, Hollywood, and Leonardtown Lions Clubs are pleased to announce the winners of our People’s Choice Peace Poster Contest. Winners were chosen by Facebook viewers who voted by “liking” their favorite poster(s). This contest was secondary to the Lions Club...
The 2021-22 Peace Poster Contest
Calling all St. Mary's County, Maryland student artists... Our 2021-22 Peace Poster Contest is now open! Our contest theme is CONNECTED THROUGH PEACE. One winner will be selected from each school in St. Mary’s County (including our home schoolers) and will be awarded...
The 2018 Peace Posters are in…
Winners of the St. Mary's County Lions Clubs' 2018 Peace Poster Contest were announced at an artists’ reception, Saturday, November 10. The theme this year is KINDNESS MATTERS, and the students’ posters reflect their interpretation of this theme. The winners are Seth...
2016 International Peace Poster Contest Winners
Lions Clubs International sponsored a worldwide Peace Poster contest asking students to create a picture of their vision of the Peace theme. This year that theme was “Celebrate Peace.”
Announcing Our Local 2020-21 Peace Poster Contest Winner
And the winner is... Miss Elaina Fitzsimmons. Elaina is our first-level winner in the Lions Clubs International 2020 Peace Poster Contest. Congratulations, Elaina!! The theme this year is PEACE THROUGH SERVICE and student artists were to reflect their interpretation...
Peace Poster Contest Winners Announced
St. Mary’s County Lions are excited, delighted and proud to announce the winners of the first
round of competition in the Lions Club International Annual Peace Poster Contest.
Lexington Park Student Advances in Lions International Peace Poster Contest
Vanessa Gregorio, an eighth-grade student at Esperanza Middle School, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning a local competition sponsored by the Lexington Park Lions Club. Vanessa’s poster is among more than 400,000...